WattFuz Founders

We are delighted to welcome you to the Founders’ page, the exclusive and comprehensive hub that empowers all our esteemed WattFuz Founders with full control over their NFTs and WTZ tokens. Here, you can access all the necessary information to streamline your WattFuz experience, including details on the WattFuz wallet funds and treasury information. The Founders’ page is designed to help you track all projects funds and stay up-to-date with the latest information about the people running the project. It underscores our commitment to transparency, an essential ingredient for our collective success.

As a WattFuz Founder, you will enjoy a range of benefits, including exclusive access to precious information that only our founding members have access to. In addition, you will have the power to cast your vote on key decisions about all our future projects. Your valued input will help shape the direction, success, and growth of WattFuz, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible contributions you’ll make.

Genesis Bob Bulldog

We are thrilled to share with you our exciting and innovative opportunity to invest in our NFTs. By investing in our NFTs, you will not only become the proud owner of a unique digital asset, but you will also receive a tremendous benefit in the form of staking rewards. As a thank you for your contribution, we are pleased to offer a generous 85% of your profits in staking rewards. This is an incredible opportunity to earn additional income without any extra effort on your part.

These rewards will be generated from the income that our WattFuz chargers produce, which are one of the most efficient and innovative charging systems on the market. In order to receive your reward, all you have to do is connect your wallet to our staking DAPP, which is an easy and straightforward process. Moreover, we are proud to grant our founders access to all charging funds information that are generated.

You will also have exclusive access to a comprehensive database of charging station locations, which will be updated frequently. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to invest in our NFTs and receive great rewards. If you have any questions or problems accessing the charging database, please contact any team member on Discord. Please be safe and only use the links on Wattfuz website and Discord.

Stake your Genesis Bob Bulldog NFT to access rewards. 

Access WattFuz Charging Stations database 

WattFuz Funds information

In today’s fast-paced world, transparency is becoming increasingly important as it proves to be the key to success. We believe in keeping our valued Founders informed at every step of the way, which is why we offer a detailed fund-tracking system that allows you to track the progress of your projects as they unfold. Our state-of-the-art fund-tracking system is accessible only to WattFuz founders, ensuring that all the information shared is accurate, up-to-date, and secure.

We are committed to taking our Charging Station Network to the next level, and your contribution to our project funds plays a vital role in making that happen. The funds we receive are meticulously allocated towards the expansion of our Charging Station Network and the hiring of new team members. 

We believe in investing in top-tier talent to ensure that our services remain of the highest quality. Our aim is to continue to innovate, challenge the status quo, and defy limitations so that we can bring you the best possible services.

Keep track of Wattfuz’s wallet funds on Etherscan. Anyone can view this information.

Access a detailed fund-tracking system that contains all fund information in one place. Only the founders are permitted to access this information.

DAO Governace

As the founders of this project, you will play a crucial role; however, it’s important to remember that important tasks come with the ability to make significant choices. 

You will be included in every decision during the project, and the choices you make will determine our direction. All founders will meet on Discord to discuss and vote on decisions.

Example voting topics may include:
1) Models and color for the charging stations.
2) Installation locations.
3) Use of the treasury, and many more.

See white paper for more information on voting power,

Connect with your Metamask wallet and start voting.